Handy Linux Commands (Ubuntu)

  • sudo apt-get update - Refreshes the package index and ensures that your system is up to date.

  • cd - Change your current directory to the specified directory.

  • ls - Lists the contents of the current directory.

  • mkdir - Creates a new directory with the specified name.

  • sudo apt-get install - Installs the specified application or package.

  • sudo apt-get remove - Removes the specified application or package.

  • touch - Creates a new file with the specified name.

  • cat - Displays the contents of a file on the command line.

  • grep - Searches a file for a specific pattern or string.

  • nano - Opens a text editor allowing you to create and edit files.

  • chmod - Changes the file permissions of a specified file or directory.

  • ping - Checks if a network connection is working by sending packets to a specified IP address or website.

  • ssh - Connects to a remote server or computer.

  • tar - Creates or extracts archives.

  • cp - Copies a file or directory to a new location.

  • mv - Moves or renames a file or directory.

  • history - Displays a list of recently used commands.

  • df - Displays the amount of disk space available on your computer.

  • free - Displays the amount of free memory on your computer.

  • top - Displays a real-time view of system processes and their resource usage.

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